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Dr. Zhibin Wang is an expert in the area of epigenomic mechanisms of human growth & development, disease pathogenesis, and development of epigenetic drugs.
Dr. Wang earned his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University and completed his postdoctoral training at National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH.
He won prestigious Lenfant Scholar from NHLBI/NIH in 2009 and Kimmel Scholar in 2012 from the Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research, as well as Faculty Innovation Award in 2011 and Catalyst Award in 2016 from Johns Hopkins University. He has served as a reviewer for major funding agencies including both domestic (e.g., NIH) and international (e.g, United Kingdom Medical Research Council and Dutch Research Council). He was also invited as a speaker to numerous Universities or inter/national meetings, also serves as a key organizer for annual ‘International Symposium of Epigenetic Mechanism and Human Health.’

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