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    1.     Zhang Y, Ouyang D, Chen YH, Xia HPeritoneal resident macrophages in tumor metastasis and immunotherapy.  Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022;10:948952.

    2.     Li F, Liang H, You H, Xiao J, Xia H, Chen X, Huang M, Cheng Z, Yang C, Liu W, Zhang H, Zeng L, Wu Y, Ge F, Li Z, Zhou W, Wen Y, Zhou Z, Liu R, Jiang D, Xie N, Liang B, Liu Z, Kong Y, Chen C. Targeting HECTD3-IKKα axis inhibits inflammation-related metastasis. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022;7(1):264.

    3.     Xia H, Green DR, and Zou W. Autophagy in tumour immunity and therapy (Review). Nat Rev Cancer. 2021;21:281–297.

    4.     Lin H, Kryczek I, Li S, Green MD, Ali A, Hamasha R, Wei S, Vatan L, Szeliga W, Grove S, Li X, Li J, Wang W, Yan Y, Choi JE, Li G, Bian Y, Xu Y, Zhou J, Yu J, Xia H, Wang W, Alva A, Chinnaiyan AM, Cieslik M, Zou W. Stanniocalcin 1 is a phagocytosis checkpoint driving tumor immune resistance. Cancer Cell. 2021;39(4):480-493.e6.

    5.     Bian Y, Li W, Kremer DM, Sajjakulnukit P, Li S, Crespo J, Nwosu Z, Zhang L, Czerwonka A, Pawłowska A, Xia H, Li J, Liao P, Yu J, Vatan L, Szeliga W, Wei S, Grove S, Liu JR, McLean K, Cieslik M, Chinnaiyan A, Zgodziński W, Wallner G, Wertel I, Okła K, Kryczek I, Lyssiotis CA, Zou W. Cancer SLC43A2 alters T cell methionine metabolism and histone methylation. Nature. 2020;585(7824):277-282.

    6.     Xia H, Li S, Li X, Wang W, Bian Y, Wei S, Grove S, Wang W, Vatan L, Liu JR, McLean K, Rattan R, Munkarah AR, Guan JL, Kryczek I, Zou W. Autophagic adaptation to oxidative stress alters peritoneal residential macrophage survival and ovarian cancer metastasis. JCI insight. 2020;5(18):141115.

    7.     Wang W, Green M, Choi J, Gijón M, Kennedy P, Johnson J, Liao P, Lang X, Kryczek I, Sell A, Xia H, Zhou J, Li G, Li J, Li W, Wei S, Vatan L, Zhang H, Szeliga W, Gu W, Liu R, Lawrence T, Lamb C, Tanno Y, Cieslik M, Stone E, Georgiou G, Chan T, Chinnaiyan A, Zou W. CD8+ T cells regulate tumour ferroptosis during cancer immunotherapy. Nature. 2019;569(7755):270-274.

    8.     Li W, Tanikawa T, Kryczek I, Xia H, Li G, Wu K, Wei S, Zhao L, Vatan L, Wen B, Shu P, Sun D, Kleer C, Wicha M, Sabel M, Tao K, Wang G, Zou W. Aerobic Glycolysis Controls Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells and Tumor Immunity via a Specific CEBPB Isoform in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cell Metab. 2018;28(1):87-103.e6.

    9.     Li F, Li Y, Liang H, Xu T, Kong Y, Huang M, Xiao J, Chen X, Xia H, Wu Y, Zhou Z, Guo X, Hu C, Yang C, Cheng X, Chen C, Qi X. HECTD3 mediates TRAF3 polyubiquitination and type I interferon induction during bacterial infection. J Clin Invest. 2018;128(9):4148-4162.

    10.  Xia H, Wang W, Crespo J, Kryczek I, Li W, Wei S, Bian Z, Maj T, He M, Liu RJ, He Y, Rattan R, Munkarah A, Guan JL, Zou W. Suppression of FIP200 and autophagy by tumor-derived lactate promotes naïve T cell apoptosis and affects tumor immunity. Sci Immunol. 2017;2(17).eaan4631.

    11.  Guo L, Zhang P, Chen Z, Xia H, Li S, Zhang Y, Kobberup S, Zou W, Lin JD. Hepatic neuregulin 4 signaling defines an endocrine checkpoint for steatosis-to-NASH progression. J Clin Invest. 2017;127(12):4449-4461.

    12.  Ge G, Xia H*, He B, Zhang H, Liu W, Shao M, Wang C, Xiao J, Ge F, Li F, Li Y, Chen C. Generation and characterization of a breast carcinoma model by PyMT overexpression in mammary epithelial cells of tree shrew, an animal close to primates in evolution. Int J Cancer. 2016;138(3):642-51.

    13.  Qin J, Zhou Z, Chen W, Wang C, Zhang H, Ge G, Shao M, You D, Fan Z, Xia H, Liu R, Chen C. BAP1 promotes breast cancer cell proliferation and metastasis by deubiquitinating KLF5. Nat Commun. 2015;6:8471.

    14.  Xia H, He B, Wang C, Zhang H, Ge G, Zhang Y, Lv L, Jiao J, Chen C. PTEN/PIK3CA genes are frequently mutated in spontaneous and medroxyprogesterone acetate-accelerated 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced mammary tumours of tree shrews. Eur J Cancer. 2014;50(18):3230-42.

    15.  Xia H, Wang C, Chen W, Zhang H, Chaudhury L, Zhou Z, Liu R, Chen C. Kruppel-like factor 5 transcription factor promotes microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase 1 gene transcription in breast cancer. J Biol Chem. 2013;288(37):26731-40.

    16.  Xia H, Wang C, Zhang H, He B, Jiao J, Chen C. Characterization of spontaneous breast tumor in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri chinenesis). Zoological Research. 2012, 33(1): 55-59.

    17.  Xia H, Ma J, Zhang G, Han J, Wang J, Zheng Y. Effect of plasma viremia on apoptosis and immunophenotype of dendritic cells subsets in acute SIVmac239 infection of Chinese rhesus macaques. PLoS One. 2011, 6(12):e29036.

    18.  Xia H, Chen C. Progress of non-human primate animal models of cancers (Review), Zoological Research. 2011, 32(1): 70-80.

    19.  Xia H, Zhang G, Ma J, Dai Z, Li S, Han J, Zheng Y. Dendritic cell subsets dynamics and cytokine production in SIVmac239-infected Chinese rhesus macaques. Retrovirology. 2010, 7:102.

    20.  Xia HZhang G, Zheng Y. Roles of Dendritic Cell in Disease Progression of AIDS Primate Models (Review). Zoological Research. 2010, 31(1):57-65.

    21.  Xia H, Liu H, Zhang G, Zheng Y. Phenotype and function of monocyte-derived dendritic cells from chinese rhesus macaques. Cell Mol Immunol. 2009, 6(3):159-165.

    22.  Xia H, Zhang G, Wang R, Zheng Y. The influence of age and sex on the cell counts of peripheral blood leukocyte subpopulations in Chinese rhesus macaques. Cell Mol Immunol. 2009, 6(6):433-440.