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  • Representative Publications

    (1)Hou J, Liu J, Huang Z, Wang Y, Yao H, Hu Z, Shi C, Xu J, Wang Q. Structure and function of the membrane microdomains in osteoclasts. Bone Res. 2023 Nov 21;11(1):61. doi: 10.1038/s41413-023-00294-5. PMID: 37989999; PMCID: PMC10663511.

    (2)Bao W, You Y, Ni J, Hou H, Lyu J, Feng G, Wang Y, You K, Zhang S, Zhang L, Cao X, Wang X, Li H, Li H, Xu J, Liu C, Luo X, Du P, Chen D, Shen X. Inhibiting sorting nexin 10 promotes mucosal healing through SREBP2-mediated stemness restoration of intestinal stem cells. Sci Adv. 2023 Sep;9(35):eadh5016. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adh5016. Epub 2023 Aug 30. PMID: 37647408; PMCID: PMC10468130.

    (3)Qiu H, Hosking C, Rothzerg E, Samantha A, Chen K, Kuek V, Jin H, Zhu S, Vrielink A, Lim K, Foley M, Xu J. ADR3, a next generation i-body to human RANKL, inhibits osteoclast formation and bone resorption. J Biol Chem. 2023 Feb;299(2):102889. 

     (4)Ng PY, Ribet ABP, Guo Q, Mullin BH, Tan JWY, Landao-Bassonga E, Stephens S, Chen K, Yuan J, Abudulai L, Bollen M, Nguyen ETTT, Kular J, Papadimitriou JM, S?e K, Teasdale RD, Xu J, Parton RG, Takayanagi H, Pavlos NJ. Sugar transporter Slc37a2 regulates bone metabolism in mice via a tubular lysosomal network in osteoclasts. Nat Commun. 2023 Feb 21;14(1):906. 

     (5)He J, Zheng L, Li X, Huang F, Hu S, Chen L, Jiang M, Lin X, Jiang H, Zeng Y, Ye T, Lin D, Liu Q, Xu J, Chen K. Obacunone targets macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) to impede osteoclastogenesis and alleviate ovariectomy-induced bone loss. J Adv Res. 2023 Jan 16:S2090-1232(23)00003-6. 

     (6)Zhu S, Chen M, Ying Y, Wu Q, Huang Z, Ni W, Wang X, Xu H, Bennett S, Xiao J, Xu J. Versatile subtypes of pericytes and their roles in spinal cord injury repair, bone development and repair. Bone Res. 2022 Mar 16;10(1):30. 

     (7)Zhu, S., Ying, Y., Ye, J., Chen, M., Wu, Q., Dou, H., Ni, W., Xu, H., Xu, J. AAV2- mediated and hypoxia response element-directed expression of bFGF in neural stem cells showed therapeutic effects on spinal cord injury in rats. Cell Death Dis (2021) 12 3 274. 

     (8)Chen K, Liao S, Li Y, Jiang H, Liu Y, Wang C, Kuek V, Kenny J, Li B, Huang Q, Hong J, Huang Y, Chim SM, Tickner J, Pavlos NJ, Zhao J, Liu Q, Qin A, Xu J. Osteoblast-derived EGFL6 couples angiogenesis to osteogenesis during bone repair. Theranostics. 2021 Sep 27;11(20):9738-9751. 

     (9)Mullin BH, Tickner J, Zhu K, Kenny J, Mullin S, Brown SJ, Dudbridge F, Pavlos NJ, Mocarski ES, Walsh JP, Xu J, Wilson SG. Characterisation of genetic regulatory effects for osteoporosis risk variants in human osteoclasts. Genome Biol. 2020 Mar 26;21(1):80. 

     (10)Chen D, Ye Z, Wang C, Wang Q, Wang H, Kuek V, Wang Z, Qiu H, Yuan J, Kenny J, Yang F, He J, Liu Y, Wang G, Zhang M, Zhang G, Wang J, Chen P, Xu J. Arctiin abrogates osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption via suppressing RANKL-induced ROS and NFATc1 activation. Pharmacol Res. 2020 Sep;159:104944. 

     (11)Wang Q, Chen D, Jin H, Ye Z, Wang C, Chen K, Kuek V, Xu K, Qiu H, Chen P,Song D, Zhao J, Liu Q, Davis RA, Song F, Xu J. Hymenialdisine: A Marine Natural Product That Acts on Both Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts and Prevents Estrogen-Dependent Bone Loss in Mice. J Bone Miner Res. 2020 Aug;35(8):1582-1596. 

     (12)Chen K, Qiu P, Yuan Y, Zheng L, He J, Wang C, Guo Q, Kenny J, Liu Q, Zhao J, Chen J, Tickner J, Fan S, Lin X, Xu J. Pseurotin A inhibits osteoclastogenesis and prevents ovariectomized-induced bone loss by suppressing reactive oxygen species. Theranostics. 2019 Feb 28;9(6):1634-1650. 

    (13)Liu Y, Wang C, Wang G, Sun Y, Deng Z, Chen L, Chen K, Tickner T, Kenny J, Song D, Zhang Q, Wang H, Chen Z, Zhou C, He W, Xu J. Loureirin B suppresses RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and ovariectomized osteoporosis via attenuating NFATc1 and ROS activities. Theranostics. 2019 Jul 3;9(16):4648-4662. 

     (14)Guo Q, Wang Y, Xu D., Nossent J, Pavlos, N J, and Xu J. (2018) Rheumatoid arthritis: pathological mechanisms and modern pharmacologic therapies. Bone Res. 6, 15. 

     (15)Zhou C, You Y, Shen W, Zhu YZ, Peng J, Feng HT, Wang Y, Li D, Shao WW, Li CX, Li WZ, Xu J, Shen X. Deficiency of sorting nexin 10 prevents bone erosion in collagen-induced mouse arthritis through promoting NFATc1 degradation. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016 Jun;75(6):1211-8. 

     (16)Zhang, W., Ouyang, H., Dass, C. R., and Xu, J. (2016) Current research on pharmacologic and regenerative therapies for osteoarthritis. Bone Res. 4, 15040. 

     (17)Rea, S. L., Walsh, J. P., Layfield, R., Ratajczak, T., and Xu, J. (2013) New insights into the role of sequestosome 1/p62 mutant proteins in the pathogenesis of Paget's disease of bone. Endocrine Reviews 34, 501-524